Every afternoon I brew a pot of tea and sit down on my front porch, which is really a deck, for a mental sanity break.
I have a variety of teapots which I use in rotation. I wanted to share with you the newest which I bought on Etsy from a shop called Nevermore Vintage and Primitives.
Isn't she pretty? Made in England by Sadler in the 60's she is in good vintage condition and was a bargain. I am hoping this will aid in getting myself into the Christmas spirit and will christen her right after Thanksgiving, if I survive Thanksgiving.
Note to self: put the other kind of Christmas Spirit on the shopping list.
I don't publicize other people's shops often, Nevermore is an exception for the following reasons:
- remarkable collection of quirky and desirable kitsch
- reasonable pricing
- reasonable shipping charges
- professional attitude with excellent communication skills
- OMG the woman can pack!
Y'all come back!
do not buy the spirit that tastes like suntan lotion. No Christmas spirit in that!