While I did not accomplish all my quilting goals last week I did manage to add to inventory, upload and list an entire shipment of quilt and purse patterns on Bonanza.
Last week's goals:
- I want to lay out the king size quilt I am making for my son and new daughter in law. not done :(
- Finish piecing a Moda strippy throw. done!
- Pick fabric for then cut and piece bias binding and a backing for a completed scrappy twin sized four patch done!
Here are my goals for this week:
- Choose and piece backing for Moda strippy from stash, cut and piece bias binding.
- Piece backing for Yin Yang throw, cut and piece bias binding.
- Re-sort and organize my batiks, I need a new box for mediums orange through rust,
- and a separate box for my blues.
Y'all come back!
I love chicken fabric.