I bought many more treasures than Lori did, I am weak willed that way. Show and tell for most of those another time and toast for breakfast and lunch all April I am afraid...
My tiny house has a tiny porch and I will confess I have been having (tiny) thoughts about a rocking chair. To my delight there was a very nice little old solid wood rocker at the sale and it came home with me. I also bought an old cream painted iron double bed, some vintage cotton damask table cloths, embroidered and appliqued sheets, and of course, quilts.
Strangely, this quilt is my favorite. It makes the point that something does not have to be complicated, or difficult to make, to be beautiful.
A piece of floral approximately 31" x 41" was surrounded by a mint green border 6-1/2" wide. There is no binding, the edges were carefully turned in and hand stitched with a double row of top stitching.
The quilting is all hand done, tiny even stitches about 14 to the inch. The center is simple cross hatching or diamonds, the border is a leafy vine.
This may sound weird but to me this quilt almost resonates with love. I can imagine the maker thinking about her grandchild as she stitched, no way of knowing what you were going to get in those days.
The edges are a little worn and as I intend to use it I will probably add bias binding if I can find the right faded floral, no use trying to match the green.
Y'all come back!
Hope you enjoy rocking on the porch, watching the world go by. Hope it's as nice there as it is here. Feels more like May or June than the last day of March.